Balloon Release

Recently I had a friend pass away. It was way before his time by the hands of someone careless. It took everyone he knew by surprise and shock to know such a beautiful person could be gone to quickly from this earth.

He was a good person, a normal person, someone who had a whole life ahead of him and he's gone.

Most people have loved ones that were gone too soon and some just have people they miss painfully everyday.

This collection is for you and me.

But most importantly, it's to honor them

EDIT * Since coming out with this collection I've been becoming more aware of how damaging balloon releases are to the environment and now have a new following of environmentalist to whom I'm so grateful for. We are now looking for a foundation to give some of our profits to to support this mission. Thank You*

Limited Time Collection

Balloon Release

This is a 3d collection that will literally lift your spirits. Mixing... 

Balloon Release

This is a 3d collection that will literally lift your spirits. Mixing... 

  • Release

    A balloon release is a ceremonial event in which a number of hydrogen- or helium-filled balloons are launched into the sky.

  • A Prayer

    Balloon releases are done as a prayer ceremony or to raise awareness of a cause or campaign.

  • Limited Edition Collection

    This a limited edition collection, each piece is numbered and signed by the designer. A few releases a year